In his upcoming film titled Trump Card, Dinesh D’Souza exposes the ideology and the tactics of these modern socialists. A marriage between classic socialism and identity politics, identity socialism goes beyond socialism’s class divisions to stoke unrest based on white vs. black, male vs. female, straight vs. gay, legal vs. illegal and pit Americans against each other. The Left is using naked propaganda, shameless deception, and various forms of intimidation, outright coercion, and the politics of personal destruction to achieve their socialist dreams.

“It goes beyond economic confiscation. It is nothing less than an attempt to make traditional Americans feel like foreigners in their own country. The identity socialists seek an overturning of norms—a redefinition of the American Dream,” says D’Souza. “They seek to create a new form of belonging and, in the process, a way to alienate us from our own society.” 

Dinesh spend some time talking about his new film out, just in time for the election.

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