Each morning, Alabama’s Morning News with JT uses the resources of Alabama’s largest radio news team, combined with cutting edge entertaining and informative interviews to bring Birmingham drivers everything they need to know before they get to work. The program does traffic and weather 6 times an hour, and featured interviews with the biggest newsmakers on issues that matter to Birmingham. JT accomplishes all of this in a warm and friendly non-confrontational way, casting a wide net to bring in listeners from all formats. In doing so, the show goes beyond the typical appeal of a news-talk show to become a destination for listeners of all formats who seek relevant and useful information in a timely manner.
The City of Birmingham, the State of Alabama, and the Nation faced many major issues in 2018. Alabama’s Morning News with JT strives to bring our listeners the most up to date news and happenings from our listening area and beyond. We also give our callers a platform to let their ideals and morals shine on other listeners.
Included in our audio submission:
The Birmingham area faced some major challenges this year – especially involving the shooting at the Galleria Mall. Alabama’s Morning News with JT hosted many guests with opinions and facts on the case, but one caller summed it up best without even being present at the Galleria that night. His words can truly be a rallying cry for the entire Birmingham area on how we all should treat each other every day.
We lost former President George H.W. Bush in 2018. Bush was a wonderful President and a better man. In a segment describing his memorial, our own JT reflected on the death of his own Father and produced one of the most powerful segments of radio in 2018. Listen to the second part of this submission and try not to tear up at the emotion radiating from JT.
Lastly, Alabama’s Morning News with JT went on location to the Hold Their Feet to the Fire Conference in Washington D.C. JT had the wonderful opportunity to speak with the infamous Diamond and Silk. Two amazing women that have faced tremendous pushback from the likes of Facebook and other social media just because they want viewers to see their true opinions on their own pages. Diamond and Silk fight for Free Speech daily and are great examples to all of how you fight for what you believe.