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Nerdrotic: Everything Disney RUINED in "Snow White" Remake

After years of controversy, Disney’s “Snow White” remake, starring Rachel Zegler and Gal Gadot, is officially a flop. ‪@nerdrotic‬ joins Glenn Beck to discuss the many, many places Disney went wrong and why he’s “ecstatic at this failure.” The film, which was made at the height of the woke movement, now feels “dated” and is chock full of “communist propaganda.” The seven dwarves, he says, “are the stuff of nightmares.” And it’s clear that Disney “doesn’t know what a Disney Princess is anymore.” Nerdrotic also reviews some of the other shocking changes Disney made to the 1937 classic, including who they replaced the “prince” with and what became of those “7 magical creatures” that Disney reportedly wanted to replace the dwarves with.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: And I want to talk to you because you might be as happy as I am at the failure of Snow White.

And I wanted to talk to you about what you're seeing with Snow White.

GARY: I'm ecstatic at this failure. It's been two years, and it's been one of many now, predictable Disney failures.

And it -- it's really built up to a head and been hit with the cultural zeitgeist. And it's more than just a movie at this point. Because normally I wouldn't even watch a princess movie, but it became such a punching bag in the culture war, and a symbol.

And Rachel Ziegler has become the symbol of everything that's wrong with modern Hollywood right now. And seeing it just crumble, does my heart good.

Because the universe tends to unfold as it should, Glenn.

This is the balancing act. This was a movie that was made before the cultural shift. Or during it, actually.

And now it just feels dated. And the audience has spoken. They were -- honestly, Glenn, every trailer that hit YouTube was getting ratioed into oblivion.

GLENN: Oh, my gosh.

GARY: Yeah. So Disney was telling you exactly what this movie was going to be. And the audience was telling them exactly what they thought of it. And now unsurprisingly, it's flopping.

GLENN: So, you know, you say this was made at the height of it.

And I think this is also, this movie, her reaction, the way they did all of it. I think this is part of the undoing of that era, as well.

GARY: Absolutely, and we've seen that play out in the last year. If we want to even go back to the Acolyte, or go back before that with the Marvels. These were movies made with the mindset of identity politics, intersectional feminism, which really goes against what Hollywood has done for hundreds of years, or 100 years.

Hundreds of years, sorry.

Which is, you know, tell good stories that are authentic.

And a lot of that is either the hero's journey.

Or just the good old-fashioned fairytale with some romance.

And Hollywood doesn't know how to be good, anymore.

They are so -- they are so black pilled. They are so dystopian. They are so nihilistic at this point.

That when you see something that is just good, that it -- it disgusts them.

And now, they -- while they're trying to fix stuff, they don't even know how to do it. They don't know what a hero is. Disney doesn't know what a Disney princess is anymore, which is crazy.

GLENN: Yeah, you know, it's funny. When I was working at CNN.

Stu, do you remember this with Hal? He was a great writer. I was working at CNN.

And I don't remember, maybe the funeral of Ronald Reagan was happening, or there was -- something was happening, an anniversary. And I was going out West for a week of shows, and I said to Hal before I left, I said, hey, next week, this is coming up. Can you write a really good piece on Ronald Reagan and America? He said, sure. I get this piece of garbage back. I mean, it was like, come on.

And I call Hal up. And I said, Hal, you're a good writer. What the heck happened? He said, Glenn, I've tried. I worked harder on that than I've ever worked on anything. But I have to tell you, I hated Ronald Reagan.

He said, so I didn't -- I don't know what people like about Ronald Reagan. And I understood then, you know, you can't fake it.

You cannot write -- these guys in Hollywood, they cannot reflect, you know, the right direction. Because they don't -- they hate it. And they don't understand it!

GARY: No. And it reviles them. The whole concept of a male hero, in particular.

We've seen -- what happens is masculinity has been drained out of Hollywood.

And it turns out, they needed it. That's what it was built on.

Now, it doesn't mean -- and so is femininity.

Which, you know, Snow White is essentially feminism versus femininity. And sure, yes. It's made in 1937.

But it boggles my mind that Disney took the film that built their empire.


GARY: That is a paradigm shift movie. That is sacred text in Hollywood.

And just threw away the original script and gave us -- and I'm not kidding. Communist propaganda.

GLENN: Why do you say that?

GARY: In Snow White.

Oh. It's filled with it. Throughout -- you get it in the second or third line of the film. They're introducing Snow White's parents, which was new. It's not from the original.

And they somehow run a socialist kingdom, where they run everything, but everybody has to share everything and everybody has to share in the bounty. Right?

And then, instead of Snow White meeting a prince, they replace the prince with a thief. And her desire is not to find a good man. It's to lead.

So, of course, we want to give her a career over maybe a fulfilling life, and it really does feel like -- well, they did. They did massive reshoots during the strike. So they tried to fix some of it, so it's kind of half a fairytale and half -- as the BBC says, Glenn, a Marxist call to arms. Even the BBC calls it out for its Communist propaganda, which is saying something.

GLENN: Jeez. So somebody said -- here's my favorite line from a review: Rachel Ziegler only gave -- only became a princess, and looked like a princess in the same -- in the same way, she looked like a product of incest.

So... anyways. Anyway.

Stu is telling me. He read a review.

Somebody said, even the background. It just looks. Everything looks fake.

I would imagine, that's because, didn't they have to strip all of the other people out of it, to replace all of the not-dwarf-style people out? And replace them with animation?

GARY: I think the dwarves were going to be in it all along. I think they were going back and forth on -- because they initially were going to cast them, and then they didn't. And then they -- the Peter Dinklage controversy happened. And I think they thought a good compromise would be to make them CGI, which makes them look like demons. They're the stuff of nightmares, but the bandits were always going to be in there. But their roles were greatly reduced.

GLENN: Hang on just a -- Stu, didn't we see pictures of like this tall guy out in the woods?

GARY: Yeah, those were the bandits. They were going to be part of it. And instead of a prince, Jonathan leads the bandits. And the bandits are just there, because they feel like all the food should be shared. And the bounty of the land belongs to everybody, who tends to it.

And it's such a clash of messages, where it's, again -- it's supposed to be some kind of socialist utopia. But except Rachel Ziegler's snow white is the boss. So we're not going to question that.

GLENN: So did they leave the evil queen? Is she evil? Well, she has to be, because she's a Jew.

GARY: Yes. She is. And Gal Gadot. And bless her heart, she does her best. She's not a very good actress. And it turns out, she's not a very good singer either.

But she's pretty.

But yeah. And some of the most iconic scenes from the original, because I rewatched the original before I saw this -- are gone. They're missing the I Am wishing song. And Some Day My Prince Will Come song. And they turn them into songs about leading. And her end, sorry to spoil it for everybody. The witch falls off -- lightning strikes. Nah, and she falls off.

No. She just gets sucked into a mirror at the end.

They extended role. But that's not good. I would have reduced the role.

GLENN: But there is a magic mirror.

GARY: Yes.

GLENN: And does the magic mirror tell you, you can be pregnant if you're a boy?

GARY: No. But maybe that was left on the cutting room floor. But they definitely left out the description of Snow White, where they said "her skin is white as snow." They left that out. I wonder why.

GLENN: Unbelievable.

Thank you so much, man. I just had to talk to you today. Because I knew you would just be joyful.

As I was.

I was actually a little disappointed in the numbers. I was hoping it would do worse.

GARY: It will. It will.

The international numbers. These films do better internationally.

And they're doing terrible. So this is not going to have the life they want. And it's going to lose hundreds of millions of dollars. The budget was 215, before marketing.

GLENN: What happens to Ziegler?

GARY: Oh, she goes to Broadway. That would be my guess. Her movie career is over. They're never going to put her on a red carpet again. She has -- that has been the well-documented, worst PR disaster in Hollywood history without a doubt.

GLENN: Unbelievable. Gary, thank you very much. Appreciate it.

GARY: Thanks for having me on, Glenn. You bet.

GLENN: You bet. That's Gary Buechler. He's from Nerdrotic. If you follow him. Nerdrotic. Nerdrotics. @Nerdrotics on Twitter, if you want to follow him. He's got some good stuff over at YouTube, maybe you should check out.

I enjoy his disdain for Walt Disney and the Walt Disney studios, because it's new to me. And it's kind of fun.

It's kind of fun to see them just kind of crash and burn on this.

I guarantee you, it won't change anything.

And I couldn't know?

Just like the democratic party. They let the rebels inside.

They let the revolutionaries inside. Thinking that, okay. Well, it's -- you know, we can control it. We're Disney. We can control it.

No. And now you've lost complete control of the company.

Just like the Democrats have lost -- well, there's a good, regular old Democrats. They disagree with all of the -- no, no, you don't. No, you don't.

Chuck Schumer is running like a scared little girl, you know, trying to look like he's tough. Like I'm a revolutionary, just like you.

And it's just so ridiculous to see. But they can't put that genie back in the bottle. And, I mean, I hate to use that metaphor with Disney, but it's true. They can't put that genie back in the bottle. It's over. It's over. How are you going to clean that place up, and get rid of all the revolutionaries? You can't. That's all that's there now.

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