Michael Berry

Michael Berry

Michael Berry has drunk homemade moonshine from North Carolina with Robert Earl Keen, met two presidents with the same last name, been cussed at by...Full Bio


Horrific: More Than 2,000 Aborted Fetuses Found At Home Of Abortion Doc

Law enforcement officials said that they 2,246 aborted fetuses at the Illinois home of late doctor Ulrich Klopfer.

Klopfer owned three clinics in Indiana.

USA Today’s David Mastino writes a great piece, wondering where all the coverage of this.

He writes:

There’s something sick in America’s abortion industry. What else would account for a doctor who collected thousands of dead babies in some kind of twisted hobby that he hid from his allegedly unsuspecting wife?
Two thousand two hundred and forty-six fetuses were found “medically preserved” in Ulrich Klopfer’s garage last week after he died on Sept. 3. And now the attorneys general of Illinois and Indiana are investigating how the human remains got from Klopfer’s network of Indiana abortion clinics to his rural Illinois home and what laws might have been violated.
Klopfer isn’t the only abortionist to enjoy keeping trophies of his grisly work close at hand. America’s most infamous baby killer, Kermit Gosnell, also kept fetal body parts in “milk jugs and glass jars” at his clinic in Philadelphia before he was convicted in 2013 on three counts of murder for snipping the spinal cords of babies born alive...
With thousands of ghoulishly stored dead bodies straight out of a horror movie, medical malpractice and a multistate mystery, you’d think the news media would be all over this story. Not so much.
At my request, the conservative Media Research Center looked into coverage of Klopfer and found little interest. No coverage on the nightly broadcast news. Nothing on MSNBC. A story on CNN and a few on Fox News. Nationalnewspapers each  handled it with one or two stories

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